
Idea Sketch

Friday Sketches, 2018

How will we move people and things in the future?
 While I’m watching a Black Mirror, I came up with a bunch of engaging stories related to future mobility. That’s how I started this project. I’ve created scenes by imagining the future of mobility and how it can reshape our lives. Yes, for fun. :)


Scene 1. The Future of Camping (2030)
• A trip to Joshua National Park via self-driving vehicles.
• A drone delivers cold milk and fresh meat from a nearby market.

Scene 2. The Future of Dating (2030)
• Ride-sharing with someone who has similar music taste.
• A virtual DJ “Serena” greets passengers and plays music they both like.
Let’s imagine a future ride-sharing with strangers, facing each other, without a human driver. Woo...Should I say hello and stare at my cell phone until I arrive? Should I initiate a random conversation to break the ice? What if my ride is too long (+30 mins) to endure this setting? What if a future mobility service connects riders based on their music taste and empowers riders to start a conversation? As a daily user of Uber/Lyft, I remember one good time during the ride and it relates to the music experience. A driver played music that 3 different passengers liked. I asked the album name and other two passengers recommended other songs that we might like together. We almost competed to play the next song just like kids who want to own a remote-controller. We eventually became Spotify friends. I hope to share a pod with them again in the future.

Scene 3. The Future of Funeral (2030)
• "Looks like something happened to Eric...Let's darken the windows to help him relax."
Have you ever lost someone you really love? How was your feeling on the way to go for the final goodbye? It is heartbreaking. What if a future car recognizes our emotions and relaxes the mood? Boeing's 787 Dreamliner has "The magical windows" that can be adjusted to let in various amounts of light. What if a car learns how to classify a rider's context & emotions and curate the best environment for each journey?

Scene 4. The Future of Sky Lounge (2100)
The far future, what if VTOL becomes our daily mobility? What if people spend more time in the sky? What if there’s a sky lounge that VTOL and people can stop over to hang out?

Scene 5. The Future of Vacation (2025)
Imagine yourself listening to the sound of the waves in a beautiful cabana at Los Cabos. To make this moment just perfect, what do you need? What if a drone delivered your favorite cocktails or popular books that you wanted to read right to you?