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Floating Thoughts

2019 ~


I'll take one more sleepless night
Then book the cheapest flight
Buy my head some space to clear
There's no time to cut and run
I can't think 'bout what I've done
To get me here

Weakest move, but falls
But you know this hope is on the side
Tryna split the chain
To numbers that don't divide


Human Robot Interaction

Human to Human
Human to Robot
Robot to Robot
Designing sound for robots

Inclusive Mobility

Lesson learned
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. - Mark Twain

Drive your life

August 30, 2019

하고 싶은 일이 있으면
해야할 일이 보인다.
그리고 우리의 순간들은
해야할 일을 할 때 가장 의미가 있다.
요즘 느끼는 가장 멋진 순간은 고민하는 순간이다.
모든 것이 다 정해지고 선택해야할 순간.
우리의 순간은 고민할 시간도 따로 준다. 그 때 고민하면 된다. 아주 깊게.
생각보다 우리의 마음은 너무 정확하게 가야할 길을 알려 준다.

City in the desert

July 26th, 2019

미래를 예측하는 최선의 방법은 미래를 창조하는 것이다.
쉽게 아는 것은 과거의 지각 틀을 그대로 늘려 가는 효과밖에 가져다줄 수 없다. 정말로 자신이 바뀌고 성장하려면 안이하게 ‘알았다’ 고 생각하는 습성을 경계해야 한다.
안다는 것은 그로 인해 자신이 변하는 것이다.

Don’t let anyone, including you, to stop yourself.

July 24th, 2019

”가만히 있으면 반이라도 간다”
거짓말 그리고 맞는 말.
”가만히 있으면 반 밖에 못간다.”
1 day = 1 degree
365 days = 365 degrees


July 15th, 2019

Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot. Everything in life is a trade-off. In exchange for Ariel’s voice, Ursula makes Ariel human.

🎧 After Hanabi • Listen to my beats • Nujabes

July 11th, 2019

노래 배경에 가득한 폭죽소리가 너무 좋다.
Warren Buffett “The Snowball” 명언은 다시금 생각할 때마다 힘이 된다.

Kenichi Ohmae

July 9th, 2019

인간을 바꾸는 방법은 세 가지 뿐이다.
시간을 달리 쓰는 것
사는 곳을 바꾸는 것
새로운 사람을 사귀는 것
이 세가지 방법이 아니면 인간은 바뀌지 않는다. ‘새로운 결심’을 하는 것은 가장 무의미한 행위다.

모든 위대한 일도 알고보면 사소한 실천에서부터 비롯되었다.

Design your morning routine.

July 7, 2019

1. Drink a full glass of water.
2. Brush your teeth mindfully.
3. Cross off your yesterday from your calendar.
4. Notice your first thought.
5. Think of a one-word description.
6. Be grateful.
7. Learn and absorb one to three new things.
8. Train your gut sense.
9. Read good news. (Five minutes of negative news can impact your mood all day.)
10. Keep a dream journal.
11. Appreciate something in your home.
12. Open the curtains and welcome the day.
13. Cuddle with someone you love.
14. Remember someone you’ve lost.
15. Read a blog post or article.


Connecting minds

July 2, 2019
”write graphically and they will keep in mind.” - Joseph Pulitzer

슬픈 감정과 섭섭한 감정은 다르다.
슬픈 감정은 마음이 바닥에 가라앉고, 부숴지는 것처럼 아픈 감정이고,
섭섭한 감정은 못다한 말과 마음이 내 마음속에만 그대로 있는 것만 같은 답답한 감정이다.

이제 누군가와의 이별은 “따뜻한 물” 같다.
슬프거나 섭섭한 감정 그 너머의 아름다운 감정 같다.
시간이 지나 물이 차가워지기 전에 같이 지내온 시간동안 쌓아온 추억을 천천히 기억하고 전부 다 마음 속에 저장하고 싶은 마음.

random note,
내가 하고 싶은 이야기의 요소들에 집중해서 대화를 끌어갈 것.
완벽하게 이야기하려고 노력하다가 중요한 요소들을 놓치지 말 것.

Rodin, Thinker

June 24

The power of deep thinking.

”어떻게 하면 더 좋은 디자이너가 될 수 있을까” 스스로 생각해보고,
혹은 누군가의 작업을 보고는, “어떤 프로세스를 거쳤기에 이렇게 좋은 작업이 나올 수 있었어?” 물어보았다.

내가 스스로 찾은 답
그리고 남이 알려준 답은 하나로 귀결되었다.

”계속해서 생각해. 자고 일어나서 다시 또 생각해.”
”생각하고 또 생각해. 무엇이 잘못되었는 지 스스로 깨닫고, 계속 해 나가.”

깊은 생각은 때로는 위험하다고 한다.
하지만 UX 디자이너에게 만큼은
얼마나 많이 생각해 보았는가가
결국 전부인 것 같다.

A sleepless night

June 14

The list of reasons that I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
• So many things that I want to do for fun projects
• Probably jet lag
• Hungry but lazy

Midnight eureka moment
• Admire without desiring + happiness
• Give and take mindset + sadness / stress
• Setting a goal is important. It keeps me motivated and I get a sense of direction.
• We are all travelers
• Whatever whoever < why

How can I become a better designer

June 6, 2019

1. Content > Tool
2. Think deeply
3. Self-critical
4. Recognize errors
5. Ability to iterate different versions

Become a better critical thinker.

June 5, 2019

Thinking critically is vital for having a fruitful professional life. The ability to objectively analyze and evaluate complex subjects and situations will always be useful.

Random thoughts:
The relationship between new language and critical thinking. Does it really matter?

Believing your path

June 3, 2019

“One cannot deny who one is meant to be.”
Believing in yourself and your purpose in life is hard sometimes, but when you know for sure who you are and what you’re meant to be doing, it’s a powerful feeling. Keep pushing forward.

I am a big believer in being responsible for my own decision. Everyone has their own lives. There’s no right or wrong. Embrace differences and keep moving forward, opening new doors.

업무에서 존경하고, 의지했던 선배가 회사를 떠났다. 처음 있는 일도 아닌데, 여러가지 감정이 나의 하루를 어지럽히는 것은 여전하다.
I was lucky enough to have you. Good luck.

Tattooed on my mind

June 2, 2019

01. Career (1% / day)
“Life is like a snowball, all you need is wet snow and a really long hill.” - Warren Buffett

02. Relationship (responsibility for someone < spark joy)
“The more you love yourself, the less nonsense you’ll tolerate.” - Unknown

Mark Twain

May 6th, 2019

If I could have an hour lunch with anyone, dead or alive, I would like to have a lunch with Mark Twain. 🍵

• If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.
• Do something every day that you don’t want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.
• Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.
• The secret to getting ahead is getting started.

Spark Joy

May 5, 2019

Quotes from books I recently read.
• We should be choosing what we want to keep, not what we want to get rid of.
• Does this spark joy?
Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest.
• What things will bring you joy if you keep them as part of your life?
• The criterion is, of course, whether or not it gives you a thrill of pleasure when you touch it.
• “Sometimes” mean “never”.
• Presents are not “things” but a means for conveying someone’s feelings.
• No matter how wonderful things used to be, we cannot live in the past. The joy and excitement we feel here and now are more important.

User Experience vs
User Interface

April 24, 2019

• UX variations should include the variations of experiences. Think 360º experiences from diverse perspectives.


April 22, 2019

• “Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” - Mark Twain

2019 Book List

April 19, 2019

• The best interface is no interface

• The life-changing magic of tidying up
The Japanese art of decluttering and organizing

Tab is not for action.

AR Online Courses

April 13, 2019

• Low-fi AR Prototyping

Build 2 Augmented Reality (AR) apps with ARCORE and Unity

• AR Navigation / AR GPS
(I’m still finding good resources. Please recommend me if you have any recommendation.)

• What I’m looking for.
- AR navigation / AR gps
- AR experience for multi users (above game)
- AR getaway (portal)

Information Architecture should be simple & obvious.

April 12, 2019

Key takeaways: The very first Information Architecture shows location, floor plan, and some key spaces. Sharing a big picture that has simple & obvious pattern is key. A designer should talk about its benefits and downsides with their own word.
• Information Architecture Basics
• The Ultimate Guide to Information Architecture

1 on 1

April 9 2019

Key takeaways:
1. Think of my mentor & manager as a coach, not as a judge.
2. We grow faster in our discomfort zone. For example, setting new challenges for myself and having a hard conversation.

• 10 questions I wish I’d asked more to turbocharge my career
• How to think about your career
• Staying in the Discomfort Zone

How to exit from the current screen?

April 8 2019

To figured out how to connect screens effectively, remember this code! @IBAction func unwindFromSkillVC (unwindSegue: UIStoryboardSegue) { }
• Developing iOS Apps Documentation from Apple

Information Architecture = Blueprints

April 7 2019

I found a lot of similarity with architecture production process. From my understanding, information architecture (IA) is blueprints. The most fundamental step is considering how people will navigate space / screen and achieve a goal?
• Designing the information architecture(IA) of mobile apps

How to push to github?

April 7 2019

1. Create repository (web)
2. Open terminal (laptop)
3. Cd Desktop or wherever you want to clone (laptop)
4. Command git clone SSH or Https (web-laptop)
5. Add files to cloned folder (laptop)
***** tip: Before 6, make sure you are “cd desktop” > “cd related folder”, always check “git status”
6. Command (laptop)
(Remember 4 steps: add > commit > pull > push
git add -A
git commit -m “added files”
git pull origin master
git push origin master