Role Switch

The Most Used Feature


Rita guides customers to their tables at Chili’s restaurant
Rita’s four duties include: Hosting, Food Running, Bussing, and Birthday Song



The Role Switch is Servi’s most-used feature, helping restaurant employees with daily tasks like Serving, Bussing, and Hosting, and allowing robots to adapt seamlessly to different scenarios. The feature is now active in over 10,000+ restaurants worldwide, handling diverse operational challenges. Role Switch has decreased manual robot adjustments by 50%, allowing staff to focus on other tasks.



Two user groups
Planner vs. Performer

During the initial setup, the restaurant owner creates roles and customizes settings.
Daily users, primarily restaurant employees, simply switch between the pre-saved roles directly from the home screen.


Design Process

Design robot workflow based on human workflow

The structure of the settings is consistent across all roles, with the green-highlighted sections (Return to, Return when, Sounds) having different default values.


How it works

Creating a role

Restaurant Managers
Restaurant manager creates a role “Bussing”
Frequency of use Low, used for initial one-time setup or when adding a new role as needed


Switching a role

Restaurant Employees
Restaurant employee switches the role from “Running” to “Bussing”
Frequency of use High, 2-3 times per day